Cardioversor Desfibrilador Implantável Subcutâneo


  • Boston Scientific


O Sistema S-ICD EMBLEM da Boston Scientific foi desenvolvido com base no excelente desempenho clínico do primeiro sistema de CDI Subcutâneo do mundo. O Emblem deixa o coração e o sistema vascular intocados, fornecendo proteção para pacientes com risco de morte súbita, ao mesmo tempo que evita complicações associadas aos eletrodos endocárdicos (transvenosos). Assim como os CDIs transvenosos convencionais, o S-ICD Emblem utiliza um gerador de pulsos capaz de entregar uma terapia que salva vidas que, ao contrário deles, utiliza um eletrodo subcutâneo para analisar o ritmo cardíaco (ao invés de batimentos individuais) e, efetivamente, detectar, discriminar e reverter taquicardia e fibrilação ventriculares.


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12. Poole, et al. Who Should Receive the Subcutaneous Implanted Defibrillator? The Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Should Be Considered in all ICD Patients Who Do Not Require Pacing. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysciology 2013;6: 1236-1245.
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14. Heart Rhythm - May 2012; Vol 9:5(S1-33) AB07-2.
15. M.C. Burke et al. Safety and Efficacy of the Totally Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillator: 2-year Results from a Pooled Analysis of the IDE Study and EFFORTLESS Registry. JACC 2015.
16. Olde Nordkamp, L.R. et al. Rationale and design of the PRAETORIAN trial: a Prospective, RAndomizEd comparison of subcuTaneOus and tRansvenous ImplANtable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy. Am. Heart. J. 2012 May;163(5):753-760.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2012.02.012.
17. S-ICD® System Post Approval Study: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01736618.
18. Understanding Outcomes With the EMBLEM™ S-ICD in Primary Prevention Patients With Low Ejection Fraction (UNTOUCHED): https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02433379.
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20. Rhythm Management Product Performance Report, Q2 2016 (Data as of June 2016).
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23. Kutyifa V, et al. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2013;24:1246-52.



How to Cite

Scientific, B. (2018). EMBLEM S-ICD® System: Cardioversor Desfibrilador Implantável Subcutâneo. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 31(1), 31–33. Retrieved from https://jca.org.br/jca/article/view/55



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