Percutaneous Treatment to Inferior Vena Cava Perforation by Intracardiac Echocardiography Catheter after an Unsuccessful Conservative Approach


  • Fabricio Vassallo Instituto de Cardiologia do Espírito Santo – Vitória (ES), Brazil/ Hospital Santa Rita – Vitória (ES), Brazil.
  • Rodrigo França Instituto de Cardiologia do Espírito Santo – Vitória (ES), Brazil/ Hospital Santa Rita – Vitória (ES), Brazil.
  • Carlos Volponi Lovatto Hospital Santa Rita – Vitória (ES), Brazil.
  • Bruno Carvalho Hospital Santa Rita – Vitória (ES), Brazil.
  • Alessandra Cardoso Instituto de Cardiologia do Espírito Santo – Vitória (ES), Brazil/ Hospital Santa Rita – Vitória (ES), Brazil.
  • Christiano Lemos da Cunha Hospital Santa Rita – Vitória (ES), Brazil.


Catheter ablation is a well-established treatment for drug refractory arrhythmia, and intracardiac echocardiography is one of the tools used for this purpose. Despite a high volume of procedures performed worldwide, the incidence of vascular complications is still very low. We describe a case report of a percutaneous treatment to an inferior vena cava perforation by an intracardiac echocardiogram catheter after the failure of a conservative approach.


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How to Cite

Vassallo, F., França, R. ., Lovatto, C. V., Carvalho, B. ., Cardoso, A. ., & Cunha, C. L. da . (2021). Percutaneous Treatment to Inferior Vena Cava Perforation by Intracardiac Echocardiography Catheter after an Unsuccessful Conservative Approach. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 34(2), 84–90. Retrieved from



