Left-Sided Pulmonary Isolations After Complete Right-Sided Pneumonectomy: Technical Challenges to Clinical Success


  • Gustavo Henrique Sumnienski Bertoldi Universidade da Região de Joinville – Departamento de Medicina – Joinville/SC – Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6347-3137
  • Rafael March Ronsoni Universidade da Região de Joinville – Departamento de Medicina – Joinville/SC – Brazil/ Instituto de Ritmologia Cardíaca – Departamento de Eletrofisiologia – Joinville/SC – Brazil.
  • Tiago Luiz Silvestrini Instituto de Ritmologia Cardíaca – Departamento de Eletrofisiologia – Joinville/SC – Brazil.


Atrial fibrillation, Pneumonectomy, Ablation, Pulmonary vein stumps


Male patient, 76 years old, presented symptomatic paroxysmal AF for almost 2 years. Long submitted to total right pneumonectomy and having a major cardiac rotation. The use of tomography and intracardiac ultrasound were fundamental for a better anatomic comprehension and optimization of the safety procedures for AF ablation in these patients, due to the difficulty in accessing the left atrium and the consequent manipulation of catheters. In this case, electrical signals have not yet been detected in the stumps on the right side, with only the left veins being isolated. This approach constitutes a new approach in this clinical situation, with clinical success in a 3-year follow-up.


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How to Cite

Sumnienski Bertoldi, G. H., March Ronsoni , R., & Silvestrini, T. L. (2021). Left-Sided Pulmonary Isolations After Complete Right-Sided Pneumonectomy: Technical Challenges to Clinical Success. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 34(1), 48–52. Retrieved from https://jca.org.br/jca/article/view/3438



