Modulation of Heart Contractility

Modulação da Contratilidade Cardíaca


  • Tiago Luiz Silvestrini
  • Rafael de March Ronsoni
  • Celso Salgado


Heart failure, Artificial pacemaker, Electric stimulation therapy


Patients with heart failure (HF) are being benefited by electric therapy through conventional pacemakers when associated to bradycardia and cardiac resynchronization therapy or with low ejection fraction and presence of QRS longer than 150 ms, mainly in the presence of left branch block. Other groups of patients with HF present limitations regarding electrotherapy. However, an old concept has gained space in the treatment of patients who are outside the national and international guidelines for electrotherapy in HF: the modulation of heart contractility. This article has the purpose of presenting a review of already
produced scientific evidence regarding this new modality for HF


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How to Cite

Silvestrini, T. L. ., Ronsoni, R. de M. ., & Salgado, C. . (2019). Modulation of Heart Contractility: Modulação da Contratilidade Cardíaca. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 32(2), 108–117. Retrieved from



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